Thursday, July 9, 2009

Dinner w/a friend is like reading a good book...

I had dinner last night w/a pal of mine that I have known for a long time. However, we've never gotten together outside of church. What an incredible time we had together getting to know each other and sharing "life stuff." I am just amazed how having dinner w/a friend is like reading a really good book. SIDE NOTE: I've only been a true book reader for 7 years now, but dang it was like reading a really good book. We shared parts of our hearts and lives that ministered to the other...and we found comfort in the fact that someone else knew exactly what we are going through. Isn't it crazy...that sometimes it takes us getting out of our hectic schedule to sit with an acquaintance and somehow that person quickly becomes a good friend. Another God blessing in my life!

Thank you for sharing what you shared with me, is an honor to be your friend. I love you..."warts and all." That's something my friend Jean ya Jean! I'm glad that God loves me, Warts & All! :)

Psalm 19:14- "Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight. Oh Lord, my strength and my redeemer."

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