Monday, June 8, 2009

Loved to be Loved's true

What a weekend I had...

I attended the 1st every women's retreat w/ladies from my church. What an incredible weekend it was! Even now I find it hard to describe all that God has done for me, shown me and ways He loved on me this weekend. I learned something...that I actually do love me some girlfriends! There is nothing better than a true gift of friendship! A friend is someone who you can laugh with, cry with, shop with, eat with (HOLLA) and just be you with. I have been blessed with some of the greatest girlfriends of all time. And most of them were sitting in a room with me Friday night and all day Saturday.

I learned a lot about me and felt like I was LOVED on a whole lot by my Father in Heaven.

I am thoroughly exhausted and ready for rest, but this week I have my neice and nephew all week while my sisters and brother-in-law are down in Wimauma teaching Kids' Church for Camp Meeting. We are going to have a blast. I am thinking we will take a walk tonight when we get home after dinner and play for a bit before they head to bed. Do you know what Abby said yesterday? As I was trying to get her to say that I was her favorite, she insisted that I wasn't. That Mimi is her favorite...what does she know? She's only 2...:)

Well, this tired chicky is going to sign-off and go play Operation for my afternoon break...WAHOO! We try and keep it fun...I'll tell you how it goes!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Another day of not getting out of bed...BOO!

How do you do something for so long every day and then just all off the face of the earth? Well, I have done it. I have now officially FALLEN OFF THE WAGON....AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! I have now not officially gotten out of bed to run, walk or some what in between in a LONG time. So long I hate to even count the time. What's the deal, dude? I don't even know. I have just gotten out of the habit and can't quite figure how to get back up on the wagon. It's almost as if I have fallen off a jet ski in the middle of the lake and can't figure out for the life in me how to get back on...not that this has EVER happened to me before! :) I HAVE TO CRAWL BACK ON....Help me Lord!

So, here's why this is so important to me. A friend of mine named Mona asked me if we could join Weight Watchers together. It's okay if you laughed, I sure did the first few times. Here is what you need to know about her, she's a "SB friend" or "pencil friend." guessed it! I was not, being plump, about to enter into the WEIGHT LOSS WORLD w/her. She needed to loose what I could probably sweat off in 1 hour of working out. Well, after a little coaxing we did it. We joined. Although I was still a little wacked about it, I went. I knew I had to...if you knew me then you know how LARGE I was. I still am not on the small scale but have come a LONG way. Well, that began my journey and I have been walking this journey. I actually started training for a 5K last fall and ran it in February. What a thrill that was. I'll have to share some stories from that experience another day. Well from this to that...with this excuse and that...I have fallen off the wagon. But I, Rebecca E Bohnenstiehl, am officially pulling myself out of the water and getting back on this daggon wagon. I must...I MUST...I must decrease my girth! :) I will walk on my 15 minute breaks (unless it is Catch Phrase Wed/Fri) and 1/2 of my lunch break. So I will walk the 1st 30 minutes and eat the last 30 minutes. Like Ramona & I said yesterday, "It's bathing suit season and I'm supposed to be fine already." Well, world...HERE I COME! I will finish this race. I will complete my goal...I will get out of bed each morning to finish this journey!

Who wants to call me in the morning to remind me?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

So Here We Go...

I am definitely the fan of being random and thinking out loud. Sometimes it goes well and other times...well?!?!?! So why not start a blog...seems reasonable. Why not think aloud and share it with everyone in my world! Oh, my family is going to LOVE this idea.

Well, I am definitely blessed with one of the coolest families on the face of the earth. I don't tell them as much as I should, but I really do dig them. I think I'll keep them around. Luck them...:)

I am currently on a roller coaster of life right now...who knows where the heck I'll end up. I am 27 years old (knocking on 28 in just a few short months), not married and wishin so, desiring kids but definitely not ready for them and just trying to figure out what the heck I'm going to be when I grow up...don't tell anyone!

Just finished a conversation w/my friend Michael here at the office. He thinks I should teach English in a foreign country. How cool would that be. I think I'm going to look into this option. I do think I was made to live in another country and experience many other cultures. There is just so much of this world that I want to explore and get to know. I've had an "African Safari" dream for a long time. Maybe I'll do that when I turn 30...that will be sooner than I'd like. On the list of countries I'd like to visit: Cuba, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Nicaragua, Egypt, Indonesia, China, Japan, France, Germany, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Scotland, Jamaica, Russia. Gosh, so many more but that's enough to list for now.

I'm sure there will be plenty of stuff to share as the days move stay tuned.

Oh, here is a random blog that I sent friends from work on a "zipper incident." Just another day in my life: I was sitting at my desk today thinking about the wonderful weekend I had and how yummy the food was that I inhaled. Trust me when I say it was WAY OVER the human limit. On Sunday I thought I just might spontaneously combust...I had eaten that much food. I had to deny myself dessert or I just might have busted...LOL!
Well, I had to get up to get something off of the printer and Nate was there. We talked for just a minute (okay so truthfully I was giving him a hard time...again) and as I was thinking about the food (again) while I was walking back to my desk...and I heard it. My zipper just busted. It ripped right down the seam. I could not believe it. Then I was standing there like a dumb idiot and gawking at my broken (wide open) zipper that I had and thinking, "What the heck do you do now?" Well, my white t-shirt isn't long enough to cover the entire zipper & my kangaroo pouch (as I affectionately refer to it as). Now, I understand that it is harder to get rid of something that you've named, but it's what I do. I name a lot of things in my life. Each of my cars have had names. The Titanic (1st car- White Lincoln Crown Victoria...don't hate!), Bella (Silver Ford Thunderbird), Bessie (White Pontiac Sun Fire), Wally (Black Kia Spectra) and now Maggie (Nissan Centra...she's magenta)! I wonder how many people actually name their cars? I'll have to google that tonight. Back to the case at point, so I here I am standing there in the middle of my front lobby w/my broken zipper. I sat down...that didn't help matters. Now the barn door is WIDE OPEN and I am thinking, "What the devil shall I do?" So I went into the adjacent office to fix my zipper. Now I am not Mrs. Fix, but I was certain that I could do this. I got my zipper in the start position and viola. It worked...until I came back out to walk towards my desk. ripped again and this time a piece went flying. Goodness-gracious-great-balls-of-fire! So now I am sitting at my desk w/a white t-shirt, jeans w/a broken zipper and a green scarf tied around my waste (trying to as fashionably as possible cover my open fly zone). Isn't that LOVELY!

Truth, this has got to be enough for now...

