Monday, October 19, 2009

New Adventure...

I am getting ready for my new adventure...which starts tomorrow! I finished my time at Apria today and am launching into a new career with AchieveGlobal tomorrow. I am thoroughly excited and nervous all at the same time. I've got my work cut out for me, but I think it will be a really good change for me.

It was hard to say "See you later" to a number of my friends today. But, when one journey ends a new one begins. So I am lasing up my boots and looking forward to the journey. I have been blessed with some GREAT pals at Apria. I have learned so much and been stretched beyond what I could possibly imagine. I have walked a faith road there that some days seemed more than I could handle. Yet, I walked hand in hand with Jesus every day. Hoping that I would learn along the way, and I have. Learned to give...learned to listen...learned to serve...learned to sit quietly...learned to lead...and learned to follow. Through it all, I have learned more about what God wants for me in my life. What a journey this walk has been for me. I have found friends and made friends that have impacted my life.

Thank you to everyone that has challenged me, loved me, supported me and even pushed me to be better that I was. I truly owe a lot to you and look forward to seeing what the next chapter holds...

Here goes nothing...