Saturday, August 20, 2011

I am NOT an animal lover...

OMG...I am so not an animal lover. I know you what you are thinking "Are you even human?", "What an awful thing to say!" or "Shame on you for not loving God's creatures!" I have heard it all... Well I have a story to tell today.

I am house sitting for a family that I know. They have 2 dogs and a cat (who up until a few days ago I thought was a girl). Well, I have learned they are all boys. I knew the dogs were, their names are Ben & Jerry. But the cat, all I had to go on was reading it's water bowl which I thought said "Julia" but apparently says "Julio."

Julio vs. Julia- what makes this funny is that on Sunday the cat ran outside, which there were strict instructions to make sure it didn't get outside. So, after trying to coax it in I began to tell this story "This is how cat's get pregnant! You don't want to have to explain you getting knocked up when your family gets home, do you?" Do other people have these kind of dumb conversations with animals? :)

Well, I had a weeks assignment of house sitting while they were away (I am being nice to help out my sister who could completely have her own side business of this). And it is not all that bad. You have to let the two dogs out to do their "business" a few times a day and make sure there is food and water. Now, the over and above is being affectionate which (probably to the utter horror of this family) I do not do much of. I just simply don't like animals. They stink (for the most part) and I am just not 100% comfortable around them.

So my week started out pretty well, except for the fact that the dogs did A LOT of barking the first two nights I was here. I could NOT figure out why. I got up the 2nd night 5 times to let them out, make sure they had food and water and I was just beside myself. So, I mentioned this to Mom on Tuesday morning at work who said "Remember, you have to bring them upstairs because the one has a hurt back." Ding, ding, ding (imagine ringing of a bell) was all becoming a little clear now. I think Katie (sister) did say something about this fact. And the thought is that the one dog was barking because it didn't want to leave the other by itself.

Well, against my will, I brought them both upstairs on Tuesday and they slept like freakin princesses. I had to wake them up...WAKE THEM UP...on Wed morning when it was time to get up. I think they may have slept better than me...:(

All this to bring you to this morning, normal routine occurred. I let them out and made a bowl of cereal. To my horror, I looked up and saw the pool had a number of ripples in it (not normal because NO ONE had been in it) and then a wet dog was running to the door. I could not believe it has fallen into the pool. This then required me to find a towel to dry the dumb dog off before I could put it in the cage because I was leaving for a football game. I take care of that and leave. Well, after a HOT football game I had to head home to let them out again. After a bit, I was getting ready to leave again and the dumb dog jumped the pool AGAIN. Are you FREAKING kidding me? I happened to be outside and it did not look like the dog was doing so well. So against my better judgement, I jumped in fully clothed to get the silly thing out of the pool. UGH! Not the way I wanted to spend my afternoon...spontaneously jumping into a pool fully clothed to get a dog out. Funny now...NOT so funny then!

Well, after doing a few things today, I just got home a bit ago. It has been raining for about 5 hours STRAIGHT so there is water everywhere. I was taking out the trash, when I walking back inside I slipped & fell right into a split in the garage. Let's just body is in pain and my side hurts from laughing so hard. You really just can't write this stuff I thought I would share it.

It's my life...:)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Slow day...

Holy cow...I feel like I could stop breathing at any moment because my day is going SO slow. UGH! I have sat here thinking of a million things I could be doing if I wasn't just watching the clock. Then hating that I am sitting here instead of doing the million things that come to mind. HOWEVER, now that my day is coming to an end...I want to just go home and not accomplish anything on that list. How productive...oh well.

I am sure I'll get home and wish I had accomplished a few of the items...but oh well. Not today...PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST!

Friday, July 29, 2011

I've done it, really!

So...although it has been FOREVER since I have posted, I feel like this is as good a time as any to start again because...there's been another episode. :)

I am getting ready for work and wanted something good for breakfast. It is month end after I brought stuff to make tacos (at work). I know what you are thinking "Tacos?"...yes, please! I love them and was just hungry for them this morning.

Well, as I was preparing them (I brought each item in separate containers), I had plenty of dishes to wash. So, I began washing them once my yummy tacos were made. I was washing and talking w/Sara (co-worker) I felt water on my foot. Which immediately I thought "That's weird, I was being so careful to not get water all over me (which is typical) while washing." I looked down and to my utter shock and amazement, there was water pouring out of the cabinet below. I opened the cabinet and water was pouring out from the garbage disposal drain. I immediately said "OMG, there is no way this is happening again!" (while watching water just pour and fill up an entire section of the kitchen floor). I quickly told Sara about the soda (an old post) and then ran to the front desk to inform them of my problem. Jillian (receptionist) called Niki (facilities) to report the issue. I then went back and began mopping up (as best as I could) with a roll of paper towels all while thinking "Only me...only me!" Of course as this was early in the morning, everyone began arriving to clock in, put their lunch away and grab coffee/tea. And all they saw was my big behind on the floor moping up water and of course they would ask "What happened?" I tried to be polite in my responses until Kori (my back-up & know-er of all of my happenings) and said "Oh no, Becky happened!" Ha Ha Ha...Kishande (co-worker) said "Reason #3 we need a dish washer...Becky!" It's a good thing I can laugh at myself...and with others! :)

Well, we got most of it mopped up and of course when I got back to my desk there was the "Kitchen sink is down" email. And the laughter in my department has begun...

Hope your Friday is eventful...Peace out!